This guide discusses the features that Exchange offers to create and manage signatures at server level. Also, additional methods are being discussed to manage it without an Exchange server. Finally, an overview of 3rd party solutions is provided for alternative solutions.
Exchange 2007 has the Transport Rules feature which you can use to set up a default disclaimer for each outgoing email message.
- Open the Exchange Management Console.
- In Organization Configuration select Hub Transport and then select the Transport Rules tab.
- In the Actions Pane click New Transport Rule…
- Name your rule and optionally add a Comment. For instance;
- Name: Corporate disclaimer
- Comment: This transport rule adds a standardized disclaimer text to all outgoing emails.
- Press Next.
- On the Conditions screen select the following 2 conditions;
- from users inside or outside the organization
- sent to users inside or outside the organization
- In the bottom pane, modify the conditions so that they read;
- from users Inside the organization
- and sent to users Outside the organization
- Press Next.
- In the Actions screen select the action;
- append disclaimer text using font, size, color with separator and fall back to action if unable to apply.
- In the bottom pane you can modify the conditions to your preference.
- Click on disclaimer text to set your default text.
- Note that the disclaimer text is Plain Text only so you can't type HTML code. If you want to add a link, you'll have to type it in full.
- Once done, press Next.
- You can set any exception as you see fit. You can continue without any exceptions as well.
- Press Next.
- On the Create Rule screen you'll see the PowerShell command that will be executed when clicking the New button.
- After pressing the New button the wizard has been completed and a summary is shown. Assuming it completed successfully, your Transport Rule has been created and is active now. Clicking Finish will close the New Transport Rule dialog.
Exchange 2010 also has the Transport Rules feature just as Exchange 2007 but has support for some additional customization as well. The most notable regarding signatures is that HTML code is now supported and that you can also use user information that has been stored in Active Directory to construct the signature dynamically.
- Open the Exchange Management Console.
- In Organization Configuration select Hub Transport and then select the Transport Rules tab.
- In the Actions Pane click New Transport Rule…
- Name your rule and optionally add a Comment. For instance;
Name: Corporate signature
Comment: This transport rule adds a standardized signature and disclaimer text to all outgoing emails. - Press Next.
- On the Conditions screen select the following 2 conditions;
- from users that are inside or outside the organization
- sent to users that are inside or outside the organization, or partners
- In the bottom pane, modify the conditions so that they read;
- from users that are Inside the organization
- and sent to users that are Outside the organization
- Press Next.
- In the Actions screen select the action - append disclaimer text and fall back to action if unable to apply.
- In the bottom pane you can modify the conditions to your preference.
- Click on disclaimer text to insert your default disclaimer text and add variables to include user information (see below for an overview of variables which you can use).
- Note that the disclaimer text allows you to use HTML code (including in-line CSS). This will allow you for instance to set different font size and colors for the signature and disclaimer part, add a horizontal line, hyperlink text or include a logo.
- You can use up to 5000 characters
- When a Plain Text message is sent, the HTML tags are automatically stripped off.
- Once done, press Next.
- You can set any exception as you see fit. You can continue without any exceptions as well.
- Press Next.
- On the Create Rule screen you'll see the PowerShell command that will be executed when clicking the New button.
- After pressing the New button the wizard has been completed and a summary is shown. Assuming it completed successfully, your Transport Rule has been created and is active now. Clicking Finish will close the New Transport Rule dialog.
You can use the following variables in your disclaimer text. When using them, place them between %% characters.
Example: %%DisplayName%%
CustomAttribute1 – CustomAttribute15
Exchange 2013, 2016, 2019 and Office 365 Exchange Online offer support for HTML based signatures and retrieving user information from Active Directory to dynamically create personalized signatures as well as static disclaimers.
Exchange PowerShell
Signatures and Disclaimers can also be created via the New-TransportRule Exchange PowerShell cmdlet. They can later be managed via the Disable, Enable, Get, Set and Remove cmdlets.
The example above becomes the following PowerShell command;
New-TransportRule -Name 'Corporate External Signature and Disclaimer' -FromScope 'InOrganization' -SentToScope 'NotInOrganization' -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerText '<br>Yours faithfully,<br>%%DisplayName%%<br>%%Title%%<br><hr>The following <a href="">disclaimer</a> applies to this message.' -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerFallbackAction 'Wrap'
If you are not using Exchange or are looking for a client (Outlook) level solution to generate your signatures, you can do this via a script. There are various ways to do this of course but there are a couple of common things to keep in mind when going for a custom script;
On Error Resume Next
Dim strSigName
Dim strFullName, strTitle, strCompany, strTel, strFax, strEmail, strWeb, strCorpEmail
Dim boolUpdateStyle
' Some script variables
' Name signature
strSigName = "Standard Signature"
' If signature exists, overwrite (true) or leave alone (false)?
boolUpdateStyle = true
' Set some static information
' Company information
strCompany = "Your Company Name"
strTel = "+12 1234 567890"
strFax = "+12 9876 543210"
strWeb = ""
' Fallback email address when no address is found
strCorpEmail = "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."
' Read User's Active Directory information
Dim objSysInfo, objUser
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & objSysInfo.Username)
strFullName = objUser.displayname
strTitle = objUser.title
strEmail = objuser.emailaddress
If Trim(strTitle) = "" Then strTitle = "_"
If Trim(strEmail) = "" Then strEmail = strCorpEmail
Set objUser = Nothing
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
' Get Signature Folder
Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strSigFolder = ObjShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%appdata%") & "\Microsoft\Signatures\"
Set objShell = Nothing
' Get Signature Folder
Dim objFSO, objFile
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not (objFSO.FolderExists(strSigFolder)) Then
Call objFSO.CreateFolder(strSigFolder)
End If
strHTMFile = strSigFolder & strSigName & ".htm"
strRTFFile = strSigFolder & strSigName & ".rtf"
strTXTFile = strSigFolder & strSigName & ".txt"
' Create HTM File
'chr(47) = /
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strHTMFile, boolUpdateStyle, False)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
objFile.Write " <" & Chr(47) & "title> <" & Chr(47) & "head> "&vbCrLf
objFile.Write "
objFile.Write strFullName & "
objFile.Write strTitle & "
objFile.Write strCompany & "
objFile.Write "T: " & strTel & " F: " & strFax & "
objFile.Write "E:
FONT-FAMILY: Calibri"""
objFile.Write ">" & strEmail & "<" & Chr(47) & "a>"&vbCrLf
objFile.Write "
objFile.Write ">" & strWeb & "<" & Chr(47) & "a>"&vbCrLf
objFile.Write "<" & Chr(47) & "p>"&vbCrLf
objFile.Write ""&vbCrLf
objFile.Write "P<" & Chr(47) &
objFile.Write "Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?
objFile.Write "<" & Chr(47) & "span><" & Chr(47) & "p>"&vbCrLf
objFile.Write "<" & Chr(47) & "body> <" & Chr(47) & "html> "&vbCrLf
End If
' Create TXT File
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strTXTFile, boolUpdateStyle, False)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
objFile.Write strFullName & vbCrLf
objFile.Write strTitle & vbCrLf
objFile.Write strCompany & vbCrLf
objFile.Write "T: " & strTel & " F: " & strFax & vbCrLf
objFile.Write "E: " & strEmail & vbCrLf
objFile.Write strWeb & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
objFile.Write "Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?" & vbCrLf
End If
' Create RTF File
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strRTFFile, boolUpdateStyle, False)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
objfile.write "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}
{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Webdings;}}" & vbCrLF
objfile.write "{\colortbl;\red031\green073\blue125;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green128\blue0;}" &
objfile.write "{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard
\sb100\sa100\cf1\lang2057\f0\fs20 " & strFullName & "\line "
objfile.write strTitle & "\line " & strCompany & "\line T: " & strTel & " F: " & strFax & "\line E: "
objfile.write "{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""mailto:" & strEmail & """}}{\fldrslt{\ul " & strEmail &
"}}}\ulnone\f0\fs20 "
objfile.write "{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK """ & strWeb & """}}{\fldrslt{\ul " & strWeb & "}}}\ulnone
\f0\fs20\par" & vbCrLF
objfile.write "\cf3\f1\fs36 P\fs20 \f0 Please consider the environment - do you really need to print
this email?\par" & vbCrLF
objfile.write "\pard\cf1\lang1033\par" & vbCrLF
objfile.write "}" & vbCrLF
End If
' Tidy-up
set objFile = Nothing
set objFSO = Nothing
Registry Editor buttonAs mentioned before, you'll need to set and remove additional Registry values in order to have Outlook use the deployed signature as the default for newly created emails and replies and forwards.
After Outlook has been started, the First-Run key is being added back again and the NewSignature and ReplySignature values are automatically being removed. When multiple mail accounts are configured, they will all have their new and reply/forward signature set to the ones specified in the Registry file.
The example below makes the appropriate Registry modifications for Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, and Office 365 and uses the signature name of "Standard Signature".
"NewSignature"="Standard Signature"
"ReplySignature"="Standard Signature"
3rd party solutions & Alternatives way
If all of the above solutions do not fit your needs, not to worry! There are plenty of 3rd party solutions available to manage corporate signatures at either Exchange or Outlook level which you can google it.